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Contact Tracing Automation




Health Tech, Public administration

Going live

September 2021

Development time

4 month & further development

Team size

1 Developer

Cantons as clients

The CT software was initially developed for the canton of Glarus and subsequently used by other cantonal health offices that were already using the SORMAS system. The software was used in the cantons of Obwalden, Nidwalden, Uri and the Principality of Liechtenstein.

Various cantons in Switzerland (as well as internationally) have chosen SORMAS (https://sormas.org/) as a digital tool for implementing contact tracing in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite the numerous functions in SORMAS, many processes had to be operated manually, which led to a high level of staffing and coordination. Large cantons relied on additional costly proprietary developments to supplement SORMAS, which were not suitable for use in smaller cantons because the processes in these cantons were set up too differently and their cost-benefit ratio was not justified. The foundation for the pargoo CT-software was laid by Tobias (Co-Founder pargoo) during his civil service for the canton of Glarus and subsequently further developed and improved later on.

The CT software is a highly flexible desktop application for pure data processing. A partial automation of various processes (adapted to each canton) was realised and continuously extended, which enabled the staff to be deployed significantly more efficiently. This included, among other things, the automated import of new index persons as well as contact persons, synchronisation of personal data, automatic creation and sending of orders (email & SMS), shortening of quarantines, etc.

We are very pleased that we were also able to contribute to the fight against the coronavirus pandemic.










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